Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and is changing the way businesses function. As a result, new avenues of growth and opportunities are opening up. But to embrace transformation and accelerate business growth successfully, upskilling their workforce across various roles has become critical for organizations across sectors.
Unsurprisingly, there is a greater focus on learning and talent development these days. According to the LinkedIn’s The new state of L and D report,

By upskilling their current workforce, organizations avoid the hassle of sourcing new talent. This saves time, energy, and resources which helps improve the organization’s productivity and efficiency.
Organizations approach their training in a two-pronged fashion – upskilling their ‘benched’ employees along with employees working actively on client projects. By training and upskilling their benched employees, organizations tap into the potential of their ‘hidden’ workforce and nurture them for future projects. Also another surprising benefit of upskilling was found in a study conducted by the MIT Sloan School of Management.

The training helped workplace professionals close the knowledge gap, increase flexibility and build resilience. In addition, such training also helped hone their interpersonal skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.
In short, to embrace transformation successfully, upskilling is the key that will guide your way.
So, the question, therefore, arises – How can organizations embrace this transformation phase by investing in talent development?
Here are some top strategies to upskill your organization’s workforce.
1. Treat talent development as business investment and not expenditure
The corporate training market is expected to reach $487 billion by 2030, according to a report by Allied Market Research. Such heavy investment requires that the company management learning and talent development managers treat this as a business investment that would help them generate a positive ROI. The training manager must define KPIs to objectively track outcomes and make the most of this investment.
2. Invest in tailor-made curriculum and content
Emerging digital roles require that organizations invest in tailor-made curricula and content. This would help organizations in talent development and build a workforce with specialized knowledge. Organizations can quickly identify skill gaps and create training plans for talent development by leveraging the power of AI-powered platforms. Training plans include- technical skills training, non-technical training, soft skills training, and domain-specific training.
3. Simulate real-life situations
Humans learn the best by doing. Therefore, an organization must ensure its workforce is trained in environments that simulate real-life scenarios. Virtual learning and training environments mimic various real-life scenarios that help professionals upskill better. Learning and development heads can also further ensure that their workforce work on real-time capstone projects to help them hone their technical skills.
4. Network and learn from the best
Organizations can also ensure that their training and development heads are a part of a community of trainers and industry experts. This would ensure that they remain abreast with the latest development in the market and learn about best practices from other organizations.
5. Objective assessment and evaluation
Investment in upskilling the workforce is just half the battle won. Organizations would benefit the most from assessing and evaluating their employees. Such a process can be streamlined if the assessment is customized according to the skills taught. The tests should also be able to assess gaps in skills learned.
So, how can organizations invest in talent development and upskilling their workforce?
Organizations should use a comprehensive, integrated training platform that provides proven learning methodologies. It would not only help transform their workforce but also future-proof their business. Otomeyt’s talent development solution offers such a n integrated training platform with world-class learning content and proven learning methodologies.
With Otomeyt’s talent development solution, one can quickly embrace a virtual learning environment (VLE) to digitally transform traditional delivery models into high-end interactive learning experiences. Plus, you can discover the unique framework to train employees with different levels of experience and skill sets, from new campus hires to experienced existing resources.
Talk to our experts today for more information on how Otomeyt can help your organization enable talent transformation at scale and embrace change rapidly.
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